How Do You Tell the Difference Between Good and Bad Carbohydrates?
How Do You Tell the Difference Between
Good and Bad Carbohydrates?
Everyone needs to eat carbohydrates, but that doesn't mean
you're free to load up on cakes and cookies to get your recommended daily
servings. Learn about the carbs that belong on your plate and the carbs you
want to skip.
Here’s everything you need
to know about carbohydrates and making smart choices when it comes to
incorporating them into your diet.
A Carbohydrate Can Be a Simple Carb or a
Complex Carb
Carbohydrates, often referred to as just
“carbs,” are your body's primary energy source, and are a crucial part of any well-balanced diet.
The three main types of
carbohydrates are sugars, starches, and fiber. They're called “simple” or
“complex” based on their chemical makeup and what your body does with them. But
since many foods contain one or more types of carbohydrates, it can still be
tricky to understand what’s healthy for you and what’s not.
On nutrition labels, added
sugars can go by several different names, including brown sugar, corn
sweetener, corn syrup, fructose, glucose, maltose, malt syrup, trehalose,
sucrose, and honey, among others. The FDA has mandated that by July 2018 all
nutrition labels must clearly identify the amount of added sugars per serving
in the product, directly beneath the total sugar count.
Complex carbohydrates,
found in whole grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables, contain longer chains
of sugar molecules, which usually take more time for the body to break down and
use. This in turn provides you with a more consistent amount of energy, says Sandra Meyerowitz, MPH, RD, nutritionist and
owner of Nutrition Works in Louisville, Kentucky.
The Details on Simple Carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates
aren’t necessarily all bad carbs — it depends on the food you’re getting them
from. For instance, fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of essential
vitamins and minerals necessary for good health, and they naturally contain
simple carbohydrates composed of basic sugars.
But fruits and vegetables
are drastically different from other foods in the “simple” carbohydrate category,
like cookies and cakes with added refined sugars. The fiber in fruits and
vegetables changes the way the body processes their sugars and slows down their
digestion, making them a bit more like complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates to
limit in your diet include those found in:
Pastries and desserts
Sweetened beverages, such as lemonade or iced tea
Energy drinks
Ice cream
Meyerowitz says that you
can enjoy simple carbohydrates on occasion, you just don't want them to be your
primary sources of carbs.
Complex carbohydrates are
considered "good" because of the longer series of sugars that they
are made of, which the body takes longer to break down. That means you will get
lower amounts of sugars released at a more consistent rate — instead of peaks
and valleys — to keep you going throughout the day.
Foods with complex carbohydrates also typically have
more vitamins, fiber, and minerals than foods containing more simple
carbohydrates, as long as you’re choosing whole grains over processed ones. For
example, whole grains, such as whole-wheat flour, quinoa, brown rice, barley,
corn, and oats, among others, provide more nutrients than processed grains,
such as white rice and breads, pasta, and baked goods made with white flour.
Nutrient-dense complex
carbs that are part of a healthy,
balanced diet include:
Whole wheat breads, pastas, and flour
Brown and wild rices
Legumes, such as black beans, chickpeas, lentils, and others
It’s important to scan
ingredient labels for foods like breads and pastas, looking for whole grains
and fewer sources of added sugar. "Read the box so you know what exactly
you're getting. If the first ingredient is whole-wheat flour or whole-oat
flour, it's likely going to be a complex carbohydrate,” Meyerowitz says.
When trying to figure out
if a source of carbohydrates is good or bad, remember this: The higher in sugar
it is, and the lower in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, the worse the
food is for you.
The Glycemic Load Factor
Describing carbs as either
simple or complex is one way to classify them, but nutritionists and dietitians
now use another concept to guide people in making decisions about the carbs
they choose to eat.
The glycemic index (GI) of a food basically
tells you how quickly and how high your blood sugar will rise after eating the
carbohydrate contained in that food, as compared with eating pure sugar. Foods
with a high GI are easily digested and cause a quick rise in blood sugar. Foods
with a lower GI get digested more slowly.
Knowing the GI for a
specific food can help you understand how the carbs in that food will affect
your blood sugar, but it’s important to point out that it doesn’t necessarily
make a food unhealthy or healthy. Fruits like watermelon and cantaloupe both
have a high GI even though both are healthy foods. You can look up a food's GI
using the online international GI database.
To take this approach one
step further, you want to look at the glycemic load of a food. The glycemic
load factors into account both glycemic index and how much carbohydrate is in
the food. To determine glycemic load, you multiply a food's glycemic index
number by the amount of carbohydrate the food contains per serving, and divide
by 100.
A low GL is 10 or less;
medium is 11 to 19; and 20 or greater is considered high. For example, a plain
bagel has a GI of 72 and GL of 25, while whole-wheat bread has a GI of 69 and
GL of 9. GL can also be used to compare the effect of carbohydrates on blood
sugar in entire meals or snacks, whereas the GI for a food is only indicative
of one food at a time.
Even if a food contains
carbs that have a high glycemic index number, if the amount of carbohydrate is
low then it won’t have as much of an impact. A good example is watermelon,
which has a GI of 80 but a GL of only 5. It tastes sweet, but it’s mostly
The bottom line: Carbs are
not bad for you. Carbohydrates — both simple and complex
ones — are part of a healthy diet. Just be sensible about the carbs you choose.
Skip low-nutrient desserts, consider the levels of sugar and fiber, and focus
on healthy whole grains, fruits, and veggies to get the energy your body needs
every day.
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