What Your Trouble Spots Say About Your Health

What Your Trouble Spots Say About Your Health

Where you store fat on your body does more than affect your pant size – it could put you at a greater risk for some health conditions.

a woman bending over showing off trouble spots

Wondering how to lose weight in your thighs and arms? As aggravated as you are by your fat zones — those diet-resistant trouble spots where most of your extra pounds are packed on — they could be more than a cosmetic nuisance. A number of recent scientific studies have made a connection between pockets of fat in certain body types and health conditions as varied as restless legs syndrometype 2 diabetesmetabolic syndrome, and post-menopausal memory loss.
It’s no news that people have different shaped bodies. But according to the Mayo Clinic, where you carry your weight could make a difference in your health problems. People who have metabolic syndrome usually have apple-shaped bodies. This means they carry most of their weight around the abdomen and have large waist sizes. People with pear-shaped bodies, carry their weight around the hips and have smaller waist sizes. Pear shape does not increase the risk of heart diseasediabetes and other known complications of metabolic syndrome, while apple shape may increase the risk. Also, having an apple shape increases the risk of breast cancer.
While a waist measurement does not indicate you are overweight, it does show if your stomach or abdomen carries extra fat. Extra belly fat may hurt your health more than extra fat hips or thighs. For example, you have a higher risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressurestroke and other health conditions if your waist measurement is:
  • Greater than 40 inches for a man
  • Greater than 35 inches for a woman
Women who are pear-shaped during childbearing years may turn into apple shapes at menopause. Because of hormone changes (lower estrogen levels), many pear-shaped women will start to gain this belly fat or android fat.
As far as chunky thighs are concerned, there is actually good news. A study published in the British Medical Journal found that men and women whose thighs are less than 60 centimeters (23.6 inches) in circumference have a higher risk of premature death and heart disease. Larger thighs may give some protection against heart disease and early death. Study recommendations were for doctors to get patients to do lower body exercise in order to increase the size of their thighs.
Although you can’t change your body type, there are small steps you can take to tone fat arms and other trouble areas and possibly improve your long-term health outlook.

Blast That Belly Fat

a woman measuring her waistline

If you’re apple-shaped — which is to say, you carry your weight in the form of a tummy tire — you may have heard that you’re at an increased risk for having a heart attack and developing diabetes. But before you think you’re doomed, know that new research has cast doubt on that theory. Researchers at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom followed more than 220,000 people over 10 years and concluded that waist circumference was no better an indicator of future heart attacks than any other fat measurement. Still, the researchers say, no matter how it is measured, fat is bad for your heart, and you should try to lose it.
A study at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston showed that a big belly does in fact increase the likelihood of restless legs syndrome (RLS), a disorder that can affect your sleep and quality of life. The researchers questioned more than 65,000 male and female health professionals and found that people whose waists measured in the top 20 percent had a 1.5 times greater chance of developing RLS than those who measured in the bottom 20 percent. Scientists theorized that people with larger waists have fewer dopamine receptors in the brain, which plays a role in the condition.
To Blast That Belly Fat Sit-ups and other ab exercises can help build muscle, but cardio is the most effective way to shrink belly fat, research has found. Reducing stress may help as well — stress causes a hormonal chain reaction that leads to belly fat accumulation, says Mark Allen, coauthor of Fit Soul, Fit Body: 9 Keys to a Healthier, Happier You.

Embrace Your Bootie for Beneficial Hormones

an image of a woman's butt after practicing butt shaping exercises

If you have a little junk in the trunk, it may be time to embrace your booty. A study conducted at Oxford University suggests that having an apple bottom may help protect you from diabetes and heart disease. The idea is that lower-body fat in your thighs, hips, and buttocks traps fatty acids from the foods you eat, so they don’t float through your bloodstream and get deposited in organs, where they can do harm. Lower-body fat also may release more beneficial hormones, the researchers theorize, whereas fat in your upper body triggers the release of chemicals that can cause harmful inflammation.
To Shape Your Butt Adopt a lower-body strength-training routine that includes squats, leg presses, leg curls, and calf raises.

Lose Weight to Hone Your Hips

a woman pinching extra fat on her hips

To the chagrin of many women, a recent study found that menopausal “fog” could be tied to a little extra padding on your hips. In the study, researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago analyzed the body types and memory test scores of nearly 8,750 postmenopausal women between the ages of 65 and 79. The women whose body types were considered pear-shaped — carrying excess weight around the hips — scored lower than those with an apple body type. More research is needed to explain any possible connection.
To Hone Your Hips Unfortunately, the only real way to lose weight from your hips is to lose weight all over, says Brian Quebbemann, MD, of the Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness Program in Newport Beach, California. You’ll probably first notice weight loss in your face and neck, but as you slim down, you’ll see fat disappearing from your hips (and other body parts), too.

Can Chunky Thighs Prevent Heart Disease?

a person swimming with their legs above the water

Wondering how to lose weight in your thighs? If jiggly thighs are the bane of your existence, take heart — Danish researchers found that the thinner a person’s thighs, the greater the risk for heart disease and premature death. The scientists followed more than 2,800 men and women between the ages of 35 and 65 for an average of 12.5 years. They measured their body composition, including their thigh circumference where the thigh and butt meet. Even after researchers adjusted for other risk factors, such as smoking, alcohol use, high blood pressure, and cholesterol, they found that people with thinner thighs had a progressively higher heart disease risk. What’s still unclear is whether the bigger thighs were more protective because they had more muscle, more fat, or both.
Similarly, after analyzing the body composition in 1,604 people over age 50 who had less belly fat but more leg fat, researchers from the University of Adelaide in Australia found that heavier legs meant better metabolic function and less diabetes risk for obese women, though the finding didn’t hold true for men.
To Tone Your Legs The best aerobic activities for your legs and thighs are walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming. The best strength-training exercises to add muscle definition include squats, leg presses, leg curls, and calf raises. But Allen says that if you are heavy and choose running as your exercise, you should proceed with caution and not try to run too far too fast. “The impact can lead to injury,” he says.

Big Busts May Lead to Health Issues

a woman measuring her bust size

The voluptuous breasts some women want may not actually be the best bust for your health. A study of more than 92,000 women by researchers at Harvard University and the University of Toronto showed that the bigger a woman’s chest, the greater her risk for type 2 diabetes later in life. In the study, those who reported having had a D cup at age 20 were about three times more likely to develop diabetes as they aged.
To Tone Your Chest Building chest muscle won’t reduce your breast size, but strength training your chest and upper back will help tone the area. And often when women start diet and exercise programs, they lose weight from their breasts first.

Ankles or Cankles? When to See Your Doctor

a woman with large ankles

Do your ankles look fat? Although that could really be fat weighing your ankle down, it could also be a sign of a larger medical condition. Enlarged ankles could mean an infection or even a blood clot, which is a serious health threat. Swollen legs, ankles, and feet could also be an indication of poor circulation, which can be helped through exercise.
To Trim Ankles Talk to your doctor to better identify the problem and determine whether weight loss would help.

Here’s How to Lose Weight in Your Arms

a woman using hand weights to lose weight in her arms

Puzzled on how to lose weight in your arms? Although researchers haven’t investigated a connection between fat arms and overall health, a study at the University College London Medical School evaluated the health consequences for men whose arms lacked muscle but whose waists showed excess fat. After studying 4,107 men between the ages of 60 and 79 over six years, the British researchers found that the combination of low mid-arm muscle circumference and high waist circumference led to higher mortality rates, signaling that a lack of muscle can be as much of a health risk as an arm fat.
To Build Arm Muscle Adopt a regular strength-training routine that includes exercises for your biceps, triceps, and upper back. Remember that the key to adding arm muscle is to use progressively heavier weights, not necessarily to increase repetitions. It’s also best to supplement any weight-training plan with aerobic exercise to increase your fat-burning power.


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