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The 11 Foods Registered Dietitians Agree Are Bad for Weight Loss

The 11 Foods Registered Dietitians Agree Are Bad for Weight Loss

Some of your favorites may be on this list, but in many cases you can find nutrition-packed alternatives to power you toward your goals.

Last Updated:  7/10/2019

Doughnuts, which are a source of refined carbs, are among the worst foods for your waistline.
Doughnuts, which are a source of refined carbs, are among the worst foods for your waistline.
Juan Moyano/Stocksy

If there’s one thing worth remembering when you read “best food” lists, it’s this: Any food can fit in your diet in some way. The thing is, when you’re looking to lose weight, there are certain eats experts advise limiting or enjoying only on special occasions.
Depending on whom you ask, that list can be long: One study, published in February 2012 in the New Zealand Medical Journal, noted 49 such foods, ranging from condensed milk to energy drinks and oil-roasted nuts to high-sugar yogurts. The study authors call them NEEDNT foods. (That stands for nonessential, energy-dense, and nutritionally deficient.) Yikes. No need to police your diet that much — it sounds exhausting — but there is a shorter list of foods that registered dietitians say you should think twice before eating.
What do they all have in common? “Most of the foods on this list are high in one or all of the following: unhealthy saturated fats, refined grains, and added sugars. These foods provide lots of calories with very little in the way of nutritional value,” says Kelly Kennedy, RD, the staff nutritionist at Everyday Health.


Add to it that the foods below are particularly craveworthy, and not something people tend to eat in moderation. It’s all too easy to overindulge in them, adding excess calories to your diet and fueling weight gain, says Kennedy.
No one’s going to tell you to avoid these foods and then just leave you with that — we’ll explain why each shows up on this list, and give a healthy substitute or recipe that will satisfy.

1. Butter and Lard, Because They Raise ‘Bad,’ LDL Cholesterol


I know. Butter. It’s had good press as of late, with headlines screaming “Butter is back!” But it still contains calories — and saturated fat. “Saturated fats wreak havoc on the body by increasing bad cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease and stroke,” says Kennedy. A study published in March 2016 in BMJ Open assigned adults to eat almost 2 ounces (oz) of extra-virgin coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, or unsalted butter for four weeks. Those in the butter group saw their “bad” LDL levels rise more than the coconut or olive oil groups.
The Fix Cook with oil that’s rich in unsaturated fats, like extra-virgin olive oil, says Kennedy.

2. Cookies: They’re Loaded With Sugar and Unhealthy Fat


First, reality check: “You can have cookies once in a while and nothing will happen to you. It really won’t harm you down the road,” says Lisa Young, PhD, RD, the author of Finally Full, Finally Slim, who lives in New York City. Make it a habit, though, and you’ll overload on sugar and unhealthy fats.
The Fix There are cookie opportunities all the time. Think about the trays left around at work or the special occasion at your child’s school. And many are truly mediocre. Better off adopting an attitude of “Unless I absolutely love it, I can do without it,” says Young. Another chance to have a cookie will come soon enough — we promise.

3. Mayonnaise, Which Is High in Calories and Saturated Fat


Consider what it’s made from: egg yolks, vinegar, mustard, and oil. Individually those ingredients don't sound that bad. But they combine to form a spread that’s “high in calories, contains a good amount of saturated fats, and has no real nutritional benefits,” says Kennedy. There are 100 calories per tablespoon (tbsp), and that adds up quickly when you're smearing it on a sammie, she says.
The Fix Switch up your spread to mashed avocado. Avocado will bring heart-healthy monounsaturated fats to your lunch, vitamins, and filling fiber, too. Think of it this way: You can use 2 tbsp of avocado for half the calories in just 1 tbsp of mayo!

4. Sour Cream: It’s Devoid of Nutrition and Loaded With Calories

Greg Elms/Getty Images

Just a dollop of this smooth operator can set you back: Two tablespoons pack about 50 calories. “The calories from sour cream add up quickly,” says Kennedy. What’s more, it doesn’t offer much nutrition.
The Fix While reduced-fat versions are preferable, says Kennedy, the real winning swap is a lowfat plain Greek yogurt. “It’s high in protein and a great source of calcium,” she says. Plus, it’s just as thick and tangy as sour cream, so you really can’t notice a difference.

5. Soft Drinks, Because They're Sugar Bombs and Undoubtedly Cause Weight Gain


Among evil foods, there’s only one true ruler: soda pop. “Soda is the one food I don’t allow to be on my plan. There are hundreds of studies that link intake of excessive sugary beverages to obesity and diabetes,” says Young. In fact, she says, eating a candy bar on occasion is better than having a soda. “Soda is liquid calories. When we drink it, it doesn’t register that we’ve eaten anything,” adds Young. Your appetite doesn’t adjust accordingly (you don’t end up eating less food to make up for the soda), meaning these become excess calories that can contribute to weight gain. A systematic review of 30 studies published in December 2017 in Obesity Facts found that consuming sugary beverages was linked to weight gain and a higher body mass index (BMI) in both adults and children.
The Fix Begin to wean yourself off sugary drinks. That doesn’t only mean soda, but also lemonade and sweetened iced tea. Slowly replace these types of drinks with sparkling water or seltzer, says Young. Often, the flavored sparkling waters — and there are so many brands out there now — are an easier transition compared with plain H2O. Once you’ve made the switch, plain water or even ice water with fresh fruit, such as lemon or cucumber, may be more appealing.

6. Doughnuts: They Can Cause Blood Sugar Crashes

Kristen Curette Hines/Stocksy

It’s hard to get a healthful start on your day by regularly eating a doughnut or pastry. “These are made with refined, white grains and loads of added sugar, both of which spike blood sugar levels,” says Kennedy. When your blood sugar goes on a roller coaster, your energy can take a dive, and you may even experience an uptick in cravings, suggests a small study on young men published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The Fix An ideal breakfast contains protein and fiber, says Kennedy. These nutrients will keep energy levels steady and help you stay full until lunch. Whole-grain toast with nut butter and fruit is one option that’s quick to put together and even easy to eat on the go.

7. Fried Finger Foods, Because They May Make You Overeat

Jeremy Pawlowski/Stocksy

This includes fried fare like french fries, chicken strips, onion rings, and jalapeño poppers. They're deep fried in a combination of oils, like canola, corn, or soybean, and are sometimes twice fried.
Women who eat more fast food tend to have less-healthy diets overall; they’re more likely to consume more total calories from fat, and they also eat fewer fruits, veggies, and whole grains — and more sugary drinks and sodium, according to a study published in January 2019 in BMJ. The study analyzed fried chicken and fried fish and shellfish specifically. Another study published in BMJ, in March 2014, found that people with certain genetic risk factors for obesity are more likely to have higher BMIs if they eat fried food often compared with people who eat it only occasionally. Why? Fast food eaters may live less-healthy lifestyles, including getting less exercise and a higher number of total calories from these hyper-palatable foods.
The Fix For many, french fries are a weakness. And there's no shame in that! “If you love them, share an order with a partner or the table once in a while,” says Young. And if you want to make oven-roasted fries at home to scratch that itch, even better. This recipe will show you how to make them just as crispy as a restaurant does.

8. Potato Chips: They’re Nearly Impossible to Eat in Moderation

John Shepherd/iStock

Not to harp on the potato (white spuds can be healthy — they do offer vitamin C and fiber), but chips fall on this list because they’re high in fat and sodium, and because of those features are also can’t-stop-snackable. “With foods you find harder to eat in moderation, and for many people that’s chips, I think it’s best to consider staying away from them altogether,” says Young. Of course, this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule. If you can have one serving and feel satisfied, a portioned, controlled amount is fine for you.
The Fix You want something salty and crunchy, and that’s where nuts come in. They won’t necessarily save you calories (and may even have slightly more), but you will get the benefit of the satiating trifecta of healthy fats, protein, and fiber. Go for dry roasted and lightly salted.

9. Candy, Which Is a Source of Empty Calories and Another Culprit in Blood Sugar Crashes


You probably know candy isn’t the healthiest thing you can eat, but many packages splash “fat-free” on the front. Because of that and the fact some kinds are lower-calorie, you may think it’s a better option when you want something sweet. “Sugar spikes blood sugar levels and increases triglyceride levels,” says Kennedy. Also consider that candy is devoid of vitamins and minerals, so there’s no way to make a case for it.
The Fix If you like something sweet to end a meal, a good, satisfying substitute is dark chocolate–covered strawberry or banana slices, says Kennedy. Not only do they deliver rich chocolatey goodness, but the fruit adds fiber and volume, so you'll feel like you’re eating more for fewer calories. You can DIY these at home, and many grocery stores sell them premade, so you can pop one out of the box when needed.

10. Cured Meats and Deli Meats, Because They're Tied to an Increased Cancer Risk


While bacon and hot dogs may be higher in saturated fat, many prepared meats (like turkey, ham, or roast beef) are actually lower in calories, and that's one reason why dieters include them in their diet. But the International Agency for Research on Cancer has declared processed meat — even those lower-calorie options — a carcinogen, for its links to colorectal cancer. What’s more, people who eat lunch meat tend to also eat more calories and saturated fat compared with people who forgo it, suggests an observational study published in December 2015 in Nutrition Journal.
The Fix Uncured meats are a better option, but they still contain an overload of sodium, says Kennedy. (Look for the phrase “no nitrates or nitrites added” on your package of deli meat or sausage.) For times when you really want a deli sandwich, she recommends putting a couple of chopped slices on a salad. “This will give you the flavor you’re craving but with a lot more nutrition,” she says.

11. Alcohol, Which Lacks Nutrition and Is Packed With Calories

Cameron Whitman/Stocksy

You’ve probably heard about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines: Women should drink no more than one alcoholic beverage per day, and men should drink no more than two daily. Still, you may want to cut down even more if you’re on a weight loss track. “Limiting alcohol as much as possible is a good choice because it is a source of empty calories,” says Kennedy. There’s also a growing concern that even small amounts of alcohol are harmful to your health. Teetotaling may be the way to go. A study published in September 2018 in The Lancet noted that alcohol was a leading cause of disease, and “the level of consumption that minimizes health loss is zero.”
The Fix If you’re going to have a drink, stay away from sugary mixed drinks and lean more toward a light beer, straight hard liquor, or a glass of wine. A wine spritzer — with half sparkling water and half wine — can be an effortless way to cut your intake in half while still imbibing.


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