Weight loss is a journey!

Weight loss is a journey – tackle it in stages.
Some may get there very quick, while others may take ages.
Weight loss is a journey, some take the stopping train,
and they get off at an early station, and then get back on again.
While other lucky people seem to travel by express,
With no apparent effort, each week they weigh in less.
For some of us the journey, too often seems uphill.
We never seem to get that far, struggle though we will.
Weight loss is a journey – anyone can go
But as you travel on your way there’s something you should know.
Losing weight is a journey that is different for everyone,
Some are happy to stroll along while others need to run.
If you want to complete this journey, then forget about the rest.
Each of you must travel the way that suits you best.
As long as you believe it, you WILL get there some day,
And so what does it matter if you’ve gone the pretty way?
Weight loss is a journey, that certainly is true,
And each of you must travel in the way that best suits YOU.
You’ll make much better progress if you go at your own pace.
‘Cos weight loss is a journey – and NEVER is a race


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