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8 Surprising Health Benefits of Rosehip Tea

8 Surprising Health Benefits of Rosehip Tea

Rosehip tea is an herbal tea made from the pseudo-fruits of the rose plant.
It has a delicate, floral flavor that’s slightly sweet with a distinct tart aftertaste.
Found just below the rose petals, rose hips are small, round, and typically red or orange.
There are several hundred species of rose plants, though research on rose hips has focused on the pseudo-fruits of the Rosa canina plant (1Trusted Source).
Rose hips have been linked to numerous benefits, including improved immunity, heart health, weight loss, and skin aging.
Here are 8 health benefits of drinking rosehip tea.

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Antioxidants are substances that protect or reduce cell damage caused by molecules called free radicals.
Consuming foods and beverages rich in antioxidants may protect against chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes (2Trusted Source).
In a study on the antioxidant contents of six fruit extracts, rosehip was found to have the highest antioxidant capacity (3).
More specifically, it has been found to contain high levels of polyphenols, carotenoids, and vitamins C and E, all of which have powerful antioxidant properties (1Trusted Source4Trusted Source).
The amounts of these antioxidants in rose hips can vary greatly, depending on the plant species, time of harvest, and altitude at which the plant was grown (4Trusted Source5Trusted Source).
Interestingly, plants from higher altitudes tend to have higher antioxidant levels (4Trusted Source).
Additionally, research shows that dried rose hips may offer fewer antioxidants than fresh varieties (6).
As rosehip tea can be made with either, you may get more antioxidants by using fresh rose hips instead of dried ones or tea bags.
2. May support a healthy immune system
One of the most impressive benefits of rose hips is their high concentration of vitamin C.
While the exact amount varies by plant, rose hips have been shown to have among the highest vitamin C content of all fruits and vegetables (1Trusted Source4Trusted Source).
Vitamin C plays many essential roles in your immune system, including (7Trusted Source8Trusted Source9Trusted Source10Trusted Source):
  • stimulating the production of white blood cells called lymphocytes, which protect your body against infection
  • enhancing the function of lymphocytes
  • helping maintain your skin’s protective barrier against outside pathogens
In addition to vitamin C, rose hips contain high levels of polyphenols and vitamins A and E, all of which help strengthen and protect your immune system (11Trusted Source12Trusted Source13Trusted Source14).
Though some animal research suggests that supplementing with concentrated rosehip extract can enhance immune function, human research is lacking (10Trusted Source).
3. May protect against heart disease
Due to its high concentration of antioxidants, rosehip tea may benefit heart health.
Studies suggest a relationship between vitamin C intake and heart disease risk.
One review of 13 studies found that supplementing with at least 500 mg of vitamin C per day was associated with a significant decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol and blood triglycerides, two risk factors for heart disease (15Trusted Source).
Additionally, observational studies have linked insufficient vitamin C intake to an increased risk of dying from heart disease (16Trusted Source).
Rose hips are also high in flavonoids. These antioxidants have been shown to reduce blood pressure in people with elevated levels and improve blood flow to the heart (17Trusted Source).
A 6-week study in 31 adults with obesity found that those who consumed a drink containing 40 grams of rosehip powder per day had significantly improved blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, compared with the control group (18Trusted Source).
However, the researchers suggested that these beneficial effects may have been partially due to the high fiber content of the powder, which is not present in rosehip tea.
4. May aid weight loss
Research suggests that rosehip tea may aid weight loss.
Studies show that rose hips from the Rosa canina plant are high in an antioxidant called tiliroside, which may have fat-burning properties.
In an 8-week study in mice prone to obesity, those fed a high-fat diet containing 1% rosehip extract gained significantly less body weight and stomach fat than animals that did not receive the supplement (19Trusted Source).
Human research shows similar results. In a 12-week study in 32 adults with excess weight, taking 100 mg of rosehip extract daily significantly decreased body weight and stomach fat, compared with the placebo group (20Trusted Source).
However, current research is limited to the effects of concentrated rosehip extract — not tea. More human studies are needed to evaluate the relationship between rosehip tea and weight loss.
5. May protect against type 2 diabetes
While the exact mechanism is unclear, some research suggests that rose hips may protect against type 2 diabetes.
In a study in mice on a high-fat diet, supplementing with rosehip powder over 10–20 weeks significantly decreased blood sugar levels, fasting insulin levels, and fat cell growth in the liver — three risk factors for type 2 diabetes (21Trusted Source).
In another study, rosehip extract significantly lowered fasting blood sugar levels in rats with diabetes (22Trusted Source).
However, in a study in adults with obesity, supplementing with rosehip powder daily had no significant effects on fasting glucose levels or insulin sensitivity. These results applied to people with healthy and impaired blood sugar levels alike (20Trusted Source).
As with weight loss, current research is limited to rosehip extract, and more studies on the relationship between rosehip tea and type 2 diabetes risk are needed.
6. May reduce inflammation and pain
Rosehip tea is high in compounds with anti-inflammatory effects, including polyphenols and galactolipids (1Trusted Source23Trusted Source).
Galactolipids are the main types of fat in cell membranes. Recently, they have been studied for their strong anti-inflammatory properties and potential to reduce joint pain (1Trusted Source24Trusted Source).
In a review of three studies, supplementing with rosehip significantly reduced joint pain in people with osteoarthritis. Furthermore, those receiving rosehip were twice as likely to report improved pain levels, compared with the placebo group (24Trusted Source).
Another 4-month study in 100 people with osteoarthritis found that those who supplemented with 5 grams of rosehip extract daily experienced significantly less pain and increased hip joint mobility, compared with the control group (25Trusted Source).
In fact, 65% of the participants in the rosehip group reported some reduction in pain (25Trusted Source).
Rosehip extract has also been suggested to aid rheumatoid arthritis, though research is limited, and high-quality human studies are lacking (1Trusted Source).
Keep in mind that research on rose hips’ anti-inflammatory benefits has focused on concentrated extract rather than tea.
7. May fight skin aging
Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and responsible for providing elasticity to your skin.
Vitamin C has been shown to promote collagen synthesis and protect skin cells against sun damage, both of which can help keep your skin looking tighter and more youthful. As rosehip tea is high in this vitamin, drinking it could benefit your skin (26Trusted Source).
Additionally, rosehip tea contains the carotenoid astaxanthin, which may have anti-aging effects, as it helps prevent the breakdown of collagen (27Trusted Source28Trusted Source).
Other carotenoids in rosehip tea may benefit skin health as well. In particular, vitamin A and lycopene are known to protect skin cells against sun damage (28Trusted Source).
An 8-week study in 34 people showed that those who consumed 3 grams of rosehip powder per day experienced fewer crow’s feet wrinkles, as well as improved skin moisture and elasticity (27Trusted Source).
However, it’s unclear whether drinking rosehip tea would have the same effect on skin health (27Trusted Source).
8. Easy to brew at home
Rosehip tea has a tart flavor similar to that of green apple and can be made from the pseudo-fruits of any rose plant.
Still, it’s recommended to avoid using rose hips from a plant that’s been sprayed with a pesticide that isn’t labeled safe for human consumption.
Rose hips look like miniature red or orange apples and are found just below the flower petals of roses.
Fresh rose hips can be used for tea by first rinsing them well to remove any dirt and debris.
Next, place 4–8 rose hips in a cup (240 ml) of boiled water. Let the tea steep for 10–15 minutes and then remove the fruits.
Dried rose hips can be used as well. You can either dry fresh rose hips yourself or buy pre-dried, loose-leaf rosehip tea.
To brew, place 1–2 teaspoons of dried rose hips in an infuser and submerge it in a cup (240 ml) of boiled water. Steep for 10–15 minutes and then remove the infuser.
If you find the tea too tart, try adding a sweetener like honey to help balance out the flavor.
Rosehip tea tastes delicious both freshly brewed and iced.
Rosehip tea has not been shown to cause serious side effects in most healthy adults. However, certain individuals should avoid rose hip tea.
For example, the safety and efficacy of rosehip tea have not been studied in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. It’s best to speak with your healthcare provider before trying this tea if you’re pregnant or nursing.
Additionally, due to its high levels of vitamin C, rosehip tea may increase the risk of kidney stones in some individuals (29Trusted Source).
Finally, if you’re currently taking lithium — a drug used to treat psychiatric disorders — it’s recommended to avoid rosehip tea, as its diuretic effect could increase the concentration of lithium in your body, causing serious side effects (30Trusted Source).
The bottom line
Rosehip tea is an herbal tea made from the pseudo-fruits of rose plants. It has a slight floral taste with a distinct tartness.
In addition to being easy to make at home, it has many potential benefits.
Due to its high levels of antioxidants, rosehip tea may boost your immune system, aid weight loss, reduce joint pain, support healthy-looking skin, and protect against heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
However, evidence on many of these benefits is limited to studies on rosehip extract, and it is unclear how much rosehip tea you would need to drink to experience these effects.
Nevertheless, this delicious drink can add a zest of flavor to your diet — no matter if you buy it dried or make it fresh.


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